A State of Maryland Business License is required for most businesses, including retailers and wholesalers. A traders license is requires for buying and re-selling. Business activity that require licenses include, but not limited to:
Amusement Parks
Hawkers and Peddlers
Auctions & Junk Dealers
Chain Stores
Plumbing and Gas Filters
Construction & Restaurants
Dry Cleaners & Retail Stores
Farm Machinery, Storage & Warehouses
Garages & Traders
Vending Machines
To determine whether your particular business activity requires licensing by the State of Maryland and needs any additional licenses and permits, contact the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the county (or Baltimore City) where your business is or will be located.
Individuals working in the following areas need to obtain occupational or professional licenses in addition to State and local business licenses:
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Home Improvement Contractors & Sales
Interior Designers
Barbers & Plumbers
Landscape Architects
Bay Pilots & Professional Engineers
Master Electricians
Certified Public Accountants
Professional Land Surveyors
Real Estate Appraisers
Examining Engineers
Real Estate Brokers and Sales
Secondhand Precious Metal
Heating & Ventilation
Sports Agents
For most occupations and professions, individuals must meet educational and work experience standards as well as pass a qualifying examination in order to obtain a license.