How to Start Your Business with Success! (En Espanol)
Como Empezar Su Negocio Con Exito!--
Learn the essentials on starting your business: the insurance essentials; options in business legal structures; tax impact per legal structure; IRS test for contract labor; and start-up business financing resources.
Aprenda los aspectos esenciales de como comenzar su negocio: Los aspectos esenciales relacionados con lo seguros; opciones relacionadas a la eleccion de la estructura legal, el impacto en los taxes por cada diferente eleccion de estructura legal, el examen del IRS para contratacion laboral; y el comienzo de como manejar los recursos financieros de su negocio
Workshop Information
Howard County Center for Business and Technology Development 9250 Bendix Road, North Columbia, MD 21045
Call 410-296-5613 to register
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Registration open till 3.18.09
Refunds are not available unless SBDC cancels a workshop.
Register here for a workshop and fill in all information on this form. The information that you provide from here is for SBA and SBDC purposes only and will not be shared or redistributed. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.
Note: After filling this form for SBDC, you will be required to fill another form for credit card information to proceed with your payment. Your registration is NOT COMPLETE until you proceed to and COMPLETE the PAYMENT process.