This workshop is designed for small businesses seeking an 8(a) certification. Named for Section 8a of the Small Business Act, 8(a) is a business development program created to assist small disadvantaged businesses compete in the marketplace. Firms receiving certification are then qualified to do business with the Federal Government.
This three-hour training session explains 8(a) requirements and how to prepare an 8(a) application, while also reviewing the opportunities and limitations of these certifications.
Stories and examples of companies that have previously experienced the 8(a) certification process will be presented. With guidance from a veteran Small Business Administration (SBA) expert, you’ll take away valuable tips on how to submit a well-structured application, which would be compliant with the SBA rules and regulations.
Workshop Information
SBDC Headquarters 7400 York Road-Room 302 A Towson, Maryland 21252
9:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Preregistration Required- No Walk Ins. Please call 410-296-5613 or go to to register.
Register here for a workshop and fill in all information on this form. The information that you provide from here is for SBA and SBDC purposes only and will not be shared or redistributed. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.
Note: After filling this form for SBDC, you will be required to fill another form for credit card information to proceed with your payment. Your registration is NOT COMPLETE until you proceed to and COMPLETE the PAYMENT process.