Developing a Winning Business Plan- Baltimore City@ University of Baltimore
The Business Plan workshop is designed to assist entrepreneurs move ideas from mind to paper in an organized, clear and concise manner, while keeping a focus on key points.
A well crafted plan will act as a blueprint to build, maintain or expand your business and also be used to present your company as a viable and sustainable business entity in the loan application process. Further, a carefully written plan clearly presents each component of a business, explains how various aspects of a business integrate and coordinate, and assists business owners find hidden business weaknesses and opportunities.
Key sections of a business plan include: an executive summary, the business description, management, employees, operations and suppliers, customer and market analysis (marketing, competition, location), plan strategy (including a SWOT Analysis), loan request and financial statements (balance sheet, operating statement, personal finances, cash flow).
Note: If you have not started a business, we strongly recommend taking the "Smart Start Your Business" workshop first. Additionally, it is important to take the "Developing a Strategic Marketing Plan" workshop, which will assist you in framing the necessary marketing strategy for your business plan.
Workshop Information
University of Baltimore William Thumel Business Center
11 W. Mount Royal Avenue, Rm.103, Baltimore, MD 21202
Refunds are not available unless SBDC cancels a workshop.
Register here for a workshop and fill in all information on this form. The information that you provide from here is for SBA and SBDC purposes only and will not be shared or redistributed.
Register here for a workshop and fill in all information on this form. The information that you provide from here is for SBA and SBDC purposes only and will not be shared or redistributed.