FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).


Nuts & Bolts of Starting and Planning Your Business-Baltimore Co.

This workshop is specifically designed for small businesses in the planning phase of building a company. Featured topics include: registering a business name; filing your business as a legal entity; marketing/advertising strategies; charging and reporting retail/sales tax, creating a business plan, zoning guidelines, and business licensing.

To register for this workshop scroll down and  click on the  "Click here to register online" link.  You will then be sent to another page where you will select this workshop from a list.  Click on "Sign up." This will lead you to another landing page.

         If you are an existing SBDC client or have attended other SBDC workshops, insert your email address at the top of the page in the blue bar. (Your password should self populate.)
         If you are a new client or attending a SBDC workshop for the first time, type your name in the middle section and proceed as instructed. (Disregard the bar on left-hand side that says New Client Sign In.)

If you have any problems registering, call the SBDC Central Region Intake representative at 410-837-4928. Thank you!

Workshop Information
Location: Towson-Baltimore County Public Library
320 York Road
Towson, MD 21204
Contact: 410-837-4928
Date: 01.24.2012
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Comments: Register by 1/23/2012
Fee: FREE, but registration required. Click here to register online

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